Life Groups

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When we go back to the vision for the church the Bible gives us in Acts 2:42-47, we see a vibrant community doing all of life together in a way that goes beyond just attending an end-of-week worship gathering. One of the ways we facilitate this at Skyline is through our Life Groups.

Life Groups can be made up of people in a similar life stage with certain things in common (i.e. a group that is mostly young adults, mostly couples with kids, mostly older adults, etc.), or made up of a diversity of characteristics. These groups meet in different places across the city at different nights of the week and at different times. They focus on three things primarily, which include building community, serving the city, and growing as disciples.

If you are new, Life Groups are perhaps the single best way for you to meet people and begin to build relationships. You can indicate your interest in one by filling out the connect card here and ticking the “Joining a Life Group” box. From there, someone at our church will reach out and help you find one that works for you!